A Quick Guide To The Best Brush Pens For Inking Comics

Finding the best brush pens for inking comics is really about trial and error. Drawing doesn’t require the greatest tools but inking well sometimes demands we find tools that fit our needs. Sure you can ink a page with a ball-point pen if you want to, but only a select few can pull it off […]
Experimenting With Your Art And Still Maintaining Consistency In Comics

Comic book artists struggle with a strange paradox. A crazy struggle that occurs just by being an artist and wanting to try new things and get better, while making sure the products we create maintain a consistent look and feel. The major struggle comes down to… How do we experiment and grow as artists while […]
How to start and hold a successful collaboration in comics

Working in comics almost demands collaboration with other people. It’s just a fact. It’s extremely difficult to create, write, draw, ink, and letter a comic by yourself. Okay not impossible as that’s pretty much what I’ve done on my comic Moon Hunters, but what you gain in pride and knowledge you sacrifice in time. And […]
Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Comic Book Creator

You probably have Imposter Syndrome. Do you feel like you are faking it in the comic book industry? Are you worried you’ll be called out by your fellow comic creators for doing something wrong. Are you afraid of asking questions about making comics because you don’t want to reveal that dirty secret… that you may […]
Get Better and Faster at Drawing Comics With 11 Handy Tips

Comic book artists have one of the the hardest jobs in the creative field. As creators of stories we have a ton of responsibilities beyond just telling the story. We must be costume designers, character designers, sometimes inkers, colorists ect. It’s a big job. With something around 4-5 panels a page at around 20 pages […]
Build an Audience of Comic Book Fans Faster with Far Less Struggle.

Struggling to find people willing to read your comics is one of the most difficult challenges as a creator. I was never a popular kid in high school. I have never been one for popularity contests. But as an artist who relies on comic conventions and social media to create an audience for my art […]
Create more time to make comics and still have time for your family.

Time is the scariest word in a comic creators journey. I’m not going to lie. There are days where time just disappears. You literally don’t know where the day went. You wonder if you have accomplished anything or if you’ll ever finish. You just wonder how you can create more time to make comics when […]
A Quick Guide To The Best Comic Book Paper For Drawing Comics

Finding the right comic book paper can be a tough thing for a beginning or even a pro artist. Paper quality changes when the paper companies update their product, or companies go out of business. Sometimes new products come along that just are better and sometimes they are worse. To top that off, every artist […]
5 Amazing Things You Can Do At A Comic Convention That You Probably Don’t Know

I grew up in Charlotte, NC. I got into comics at an early age and had a wonderful mom who was willing to feed my love of reading and comics. I was lucky enough to also live in a town with an amazing comic book store called Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find run by the […]
A beginner’s guide to prepping your comic art for print.

Okay so let’s get this part out of the way. I admire and respect digital artists, but for me there is nothing better than drawing and inking my comics on trade and true bristol paper. Every artist is different so if this isn’t your thing that’s cool, but this post is probably not for you. […]