Cthulhu Is Hard To Spell – Lady Bayoleth

I could find something amazing about all the stories from the CthulhuIsHardToSpell.com anthology. Every story has something amazing. One of my favorite stories was AZATOTH’S SLUMBER written by Russell Nohelty, with art by Erik Lervold and colors by Claire Donaghue and Eric Lervold.
Visually the character designs were amazing and I was immediately drawn to one in particular. That of Lady Bayoleth. My first thought when I saw her was…. this lady was so metal.
So it was only natural that I drew her and really went wild. Above is the time-lapse video of the inking. And below is the finished colored piece that I really pushed color wise. I normally tend towards a very neutral palette but in this case I wanted the color to sing.
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